- An interview on big data (in Italian)
- A presentation on data science at the European Parliament (in Italian again ;-)
- In the RTBF Journal télé (Belgian TV news) (in French)
- AGEFI Swiss Financial journal on AI and fraud detection (in French)
- Talk @FraudAnalytics.AI 2019 - Machine learning against fraud: lessons learned from a real case
- A 2016 talk on feature selection and bioinformatics
- MLG presentation (2015)
- CLAIRE Press Release, 20 March 2020: “Scientists across Europe offer assistance with using Artificial Intelligence to combat COVID-19”
- Articolo La Stampa (in Italian): La comunità europea dell'intelligenza artificiale contro il Coronavirus: al via la prima task-force Covid-19
- New York Times article https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/14/travel/credit-card-refused-overseas.html [pdf]
- Interview in the SmartCity XL Radio24 podcast (in Italian)
- Daily science interview about the TRAIL project (in French)
- Business Insider article [pdf] (May 2024)